Want to know more about Tails of Tranquility doggy day care & Puppy Creche?
Here are a few of our most frequently asked questions.

Will my dog be supervised at all times?
Yes! Your dog will be under constant supervision
by our team of experienced doggy supervisors,
and will NEVER be left unattended.
What if my dog doesn't get on with another dog?
What if my dog doesn't get on with another dog?
Tails of Tranquility Doggy Day Care is extremely strict
in only accepting social dogs. This ensures all of the dogs are happy in one another’s company, so it is unlikely your dog will not get on with another dog.
In fact, the dogs usually form their own social groups with other dogs who enjoy similar activities!
My dog isn't great with other dogs,
can he still come along?
My dog isn't great with other dogs,
can he still come along?
Unfortunately not. We understand that not all dogs
love being around groups of other dogs and if your dog doesn't- we aren't the right place for them.
Our daycare is a friendly and sociable place for dogs
to interact and play together, and if your dogs isn't going
to enjoy that or shows any form of aggression or anxiousness, we wouldn't be able to accept them.
How dirty will my dog be at home time?
We always try our best to send dogs home as clean
as possible with our heated shower!
My male is entire, can he join the gang?
All males must be neutered when they reach 6 months.
This is one of our licence and insurance requirements
and is non- negotiable.
We are a free run, outdoor daycare, therefore you must
let us know if you think your dog is coming into season.
They will need to stay home for about 4 weeks because
they smell too good to all the boys and can cause a bit
too much excitement!
We will not be held responsible if any female becomes pregnant.
Do I need to book the same days each week?
No, but we do require a commitment of 1 play per week. This is important because it ensures every dog is familiar and comfortable with us, our daily routines and helps them form strong bonds with their furry friends. You can add or change days each week if you need to.
Are you licenced & Insured?
Yes! We are licenced by East Renfrewshire Council
and receive annual visits by the environmental health team.
We are insured by Cliverton, for Commercial Dog Day Care. All certificates and reference numbers are available for you to see.
What will my dog do all day?
Every day here at Tails of Tranquility is fun filled,
fully supervised and structured.
Playtimes involve chasing, wrestling or tennis.
Enrichment time is spent working on training,
puzzles or sniffing games.
Have a look at our doggy day care daily routines
for more details on what your dog will spend each doing.
How do we join your waiting list?
We only have spaces in our SMALL dog group.
Please leave your details HERE and we will
contact you as soon as we can.